Insecurity and the woman up project

Insecurity and the woman up project

If you’re asking yourself why you don’t have what you want, the answer is simple…

Insecurity is getting in your way.

We think it’s because of something else, or someone else. Nope… it’s insecurity.

We think it’s because we’ve “tried everything.” Nope… insecurity, again.

We think it’s because of something outside of us. But that’s just not true.

That thing you want? Whether it’s to build a business. Or to lose weight. Or to break up with sugar.

If “it” isn’t happening, it’s because insecurity is being allowed to take up some very valuable real estate deep inside you, and it’s bumping up against your heart’s deepest desires.

And we are blind to it. Or… we don’t believe we can do the hard work it would take to claim and heal the vulnerable mess inside.

Insecurity teaches us not to believe. Insecurity distracts us from our innate power to create change, serve the world, and kick EGO in the ass.

Insecurity, my darling Girlfriend, is the brainchild of a powerful Ego that tells us lies about ourselves and our power and our ass-kicking abilities in general.

Insecurity is feisty. It wraps itself around our throats and tells us to be quiet.

It teaches us to be afraid of what “They” will say. It threatens us with embarrassment we think we couldn’t handle. It tells us, “A woman like you would never do something like that.”

You can’t really blame Ego… it’s just doing it’s job, chasing fear, and leaving insecurity in its wake. 

Can you spot Ego’s hot mess? It’s not easy to do when fear and insecurity are so tightly woven into the fabric of our everyday lives, hiding like two blades of grass in a giant bed of luscious green grass.

Ego hides insecurity behind “better” ideas or a change of plans.

Anything to keep us from moving forward.

Ego whispers in our ear…

“Wait, not yet.”

“No, do this first.”

“Holy crap this is hard.” 

“Change this… no change that.” 

“Eat this. It will make you feel better.”

This is hard to do. I know this first hand. I have fallen for every line by Ego has whispered.

And then, for reasons that are not always clear… we decide to wake UP. We choose to Woman UP.

We take ass-kicking lessons.

We get good at spotting Ego in action.

We refuse to look away.

We question what we believe.

We ask profound questions like, “Who cares?”

Insecurity truly is the only thing that stands between you and your heart’s deepest desires.

You’ve heard this before, right? And you will hear it again. And again.

Until, one day, you wake UP and hear it in a way like you’ve never heard it before.

You’re finally ready to say these words, and actually mean them…

“I don’t care what people think. I love them, I respect them, but I really and truly don’t have anymore fucking fucks to give.”

Until then, your ego will be happy to see this post end.

So it can get back to doing what it does best.

the woman up projectGirlfriend, listen UP.

I know you once had dreams as big as the sun.

Let’s make sure you make those dreams come true,
because that little girl inside you is still counting on you
(because you’re ALL she’s got) to go out there and Woman UP!

Join The Woman UP Project HERE.



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