Gutsy Glorious Life Coach by Lin Eleoff

An Amazon bestseller since it was published in 2016; GGLC includes all the steps (including all the legal steps) you must take when you're building an online business. We call it "Covering Your Assets," both personal and business.  

A favorite among coaches.

The Dignity Diet by Lin Eleoff

Your body is your business! For women who find themselves caught between "Diet Culture" (You need to go on a diet!) and "Anti-Diet Culture" (Shame on you for going on a diet!), This isn't about loving your body, it's about learning how to respect it.  

How to end the cycle of cry-eat-repeat.  

book to business with Lin Eleoff

There's a big difference between running around trying to "find" clients and knowing how to "attract" them. Not having a client attraction strategy that feels delightful is the single biggest reason why coaches aren't making money. 

 A client-attraction strategy that works. 

Introducing: BUSINESS WOMAN 101

Coach training programs - the good ones - teach you how to serve your clients at the highest level. Their expertise is NOT in teaching you how to run a business.

That's why I created BUSINESS WOMAN 101... 

It's an entirely FREE TRAINING for coaches who, despite being really good at what they do, aren't making money.