gutsy glorious living


The short answer? It’s living life full throttleunencumbered by fear and worry that other people won’t like the way you choose to be in the world.

It’s about NOT apologizing for who you are and what you want.

It’s about rediscovering, renegotiating, rethinking the way you currently show up (or not) in every aspect of your life and then deciding: “Do I want to change, or not?”

Mostly, it’s about conducting an internal audit of how you “do you.”

Oh, and by the way, you don’t have to change. That’s entirely your call. But either way, please make the call. Above all else, this is about being completely honest with yourself, even if you prefer to not admit it out loud.


Upgrading the way you live your life requires gutsgrit, and grace to pull off, but oh my goodness it’s a beautiful way to live a life of meaning and purpose – the very definition of freedom.

This really isn’t about DOING “whatever I want to do,” it’s about BEING the kind of woman who reclaims her dignity, reframes her identity, steps into integrity and covets a state of equanimity.

Why are those things so important? Let’s just say they’re an integral part of our evolution towards a more enlightened way of being human.

The New, Modern, Gutsy Self Care Model

The Gutsy Glorious Living version of self care is not for the faint of heart because it requires a level of personal responsibility that revolves around what I call the Axis of Dignity. After all, without dignity, there’s not much left of a woman.

Gutsy Glorious Living demands that we do “the dignified thing,” which, inconveniently challenges us to step out of our comfy cozy comfort zone, where we avoid uncomfortable conversations, uncomfortable decisions, and uncomfortable action steps that would actually lead to the change we desire.

To be clear, you have every right to choose to stay in your comfort zone. If you do, accept your decision with grace and stop rejecting the way things are. Acceptance and rejection don’t work well together. We really can’t have it both ways.

You are absolutely right – change is hard, there’s no doubt about that. It requires doing ridiculous things like rewiring your brain’s neural pathways. That’s not easy because your old brain habits are running on auto-pilot and it takes true grit – not mere willpower – to create permanent change.

Self Sabotage to the Rescue

The reason why we sabotage ourselves is because we don’t like feeling uncomfortable. Self sabotage is a creepy form of self care. It rescues us from the discomfort.

We often feel uncomfortable when we try to “do” things to create change. But that strategy is hopelessly flawed because it puts the cart before the horse, and then the horse climbs onto the cart because it can’t figure out what to do.

Lest that metaphor made no sense, here’s what I mean: You can’t put your DO before your BE. It’s not do be do be do, it’s be do be do be. (Sorry Frank.)

Changing what you do, without changing who you are, changes nothing, at least not for long.

You cannot behave your way to permanent change without changing the kind of woman you are on the inside.

I often talk about what it means to Woman UP and why it’s the difference between living a life filled with purpose and meaning or one that just chugs along, ho-hum, maintaining the status quo, wishing things could be different, wanting other people to change so we can be happy, complaining that nothing changes, and otherwise letting time go by without ever really getting “that thing” we keep saying we want.


  • Becoming a Gutsy Glorious Business Woman and making all the money we want.
  • Writing a book because you have something to say.
  • Getting fit and healthy, even if that means deciding you want to lose weight, without having to answer to ANYONE when it comes to the decisions we make about our bodies. (NO, you are not betraying your body by losing weight if that’s what you decide is best for your health. Again, it’s your call. And btw, there is a way to diet with dignity.)
  • Getting a new job that’s rewarding and pays us what we’re worth.
  • Seeking out more fulfilling relationships that lift us UP.

Our heart’s desires tend to get shoved aside because we’ve talked ourselves into believing they’re “just not possible.” Or, if they are, we then allow someone else to talk us out of our own dreams. That’s the very definition of a Woman Down.

The goal is to become a Woman UP.

Gutsy Glorious Living is Built Around the Axis of Dignity

Dignifying ourselves is how we acknowledge our inherent worth as a human being. In order to do that, however, we have to reclaim our Dignity, something we were born with but then lost when someone planted the idea in our heads that we “weren’t so special” after all.

Reclaiming your Dignity is the first step towards reclaiming your rightful place in the world just the way you are, without ever having to prove it.

Most people say, “Of course I’m worthy, of course I’m enough.” But their actions speak otherwise.

Sadly, when our actions aren’t aligned with the highest version of the woman we long to be, we aren’t living, we’re slowly dying.


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