life coach what you seek is seeking you

What are you seeking, Gutsy Girl? Do you realize that “what you seek is seeking you”?

do I have blinders onThis is one of my most favorite Rumi quotes… it gives me chills. You, too?

Here’s what I’ve learned: When we walk around saying things like, “I don’t know what to do” and “I don’t know what I want,” we’re ignoring all the signs that the Universe is throwing up in front of us each and every day.

The Universe really does have your back.

It wants you to succeed more than anything… it’s why you’re here — to do that “thing,” to become that woman you are destined to become, if only you would believe it. If only you could believe in your own greatness.

So, instead of “wondering” or “wishing” (which only serves to closes you off from the thing you’re seeking), practice opening up your heart to what is right in front of you. It’s there, within your grasp, but you will not be able to see it if you have blinders on. 

What The Bleeeeeeeeeeep!?

how to know if you have blinders onThose blinders may have become so much a part of the way you “see” the world, you may say to yourself, “I don’t know what the BLEEP she’s talking about.” But, if you’re feeling stuck in any aspect of your life AND resisting this message, then at least consider that your blinders have become invisible to you.

Being will to take one small step towards a new way of really seeing yourself and your place in the world is the only way to start seeing clearly. Consider for one moment that maybe, just maybe, things can be a LOT different if you open yourself up to another way of seeing. 

The Universe speaks to us through emotions. When you’re feeling pretty good about your life, you and the Big U are on the same page. But if you’re feeling crappy most of the time, that’s a sign that you need to shift gears, my Gutsy Friend. The Universe is jumping up and down and trying to get your attention but you just can’t see it.

You Are In This Life For A Reason

I realize this may be a little too “woo” for some people. But I ask you: Do you have a better plan?

You are in this world for a reason. Your life is important. Your job… your role as the recipient of this gift of a human lifetime… is to figure out what that reason is, Sherlock!

And here’s the thing: It can be as simple as shining a little bit of your light on the person beside you who is struggling or suffering. Your gentle hand, your lovely touch, your loving kindness, is more powerful than you may be able to appreciate. Do it anyway. Do it for YOU.

Yes, it can be that simple and that big.

What you seek is seeking you. But finding it may take some stumbling about as you find your way and learn the language of the Universe.

This isn’t supposed to be “easy.” Besides, what you consider “difficult” is just your trained perspective. And, believe it or not, once you get the hang of it, it all becomes so much easier than you can ever imagine.

Just one step.


L xo



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