Ep #55: Your Inner Glass Ceiling

mess magic money podcast with lin eleoff


Just like a fish doesn’t know it’s swimming in water, you have no idea what’s going on when you keep bumping your head against the inner glass ceiling that exists in your subconscious mind.

100k DNA™

It’s been there for so long you don’t even know it’s there.

Such is the nature of your subconscious mind.

You see, it’s not about how much thought work you can do, it’s about whether you can recognize how you see yourself in the world.

Where do you fit in?

How do you believe the world sees you?

You cannot answer this question with your logical mind because your logical “thinking brain” believes it has all the “right” answers. “Of course I’m a valuable member of society,” it will argue vehemently on your behalf.

But actions speak otherwise, my friend, and your actions are what create the reality you live in today, and your reality is determined entirely by the inner glass ceiling that exists (or doesn’t exist) in your subconscious mind.

That’s what we’re talking about in this episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY…

Hey Coach, check out my new 100k DNA Masterclass, for coaches who are tired of NOT making money because of that so-called inner glass ceiling.



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