Ep #63: How This Coach Kicked Fear In The Ass (Over and Over and Over Again!)

mess magic money podcast with lin eleoff

Fran Spillane Mess Magic Money with Lin EleoffFran Spillane sure knows how to deliver a swift kick in the ass.

Fear and Self Doubt once  threatened to derail Fran’s dream to build a coaching business, until she put her big girl boots on and started kicking.

So if you’re stuck in overwhelm and procrastination because you’re “not sure this is ever gonna work,” you’ve got to listen to this episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY.

Fran is a successful therapist who decided to become a coach. We touch on the difference between coaching and therapy but mostly? We talk about the guts, grit, and grace it takes to stubbornly hold onto your dream of building your own business while invisible forces in your head work feverishly to get you to quit.

The message?

You’re not alone, Coach. It happens to all of us.

You’re going to really enjoy listening to Fran as she shares the vulnerability and the bravery required to live a gutsy glorious life AND build a business in the process.

So fun, and inspiring.

Important links mentioned in this episode:

Learn more about Fran and the work she does as a coach HERE.

Come join us in the 100k DNA Mastermind

Lin Eleoff's 100k DNA[blank_space height=’1em’]

Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? My new 100k DNA Mastermind is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls! 

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