Ep #66: My Pam Slim Smackdown (It hurt so good!)

Pam Slim smackdown

Pam Slim Smackdown

Why, Pam, whyyyy?

If you’re a parent, you know how it can make you oh-so-crazy when a child asks you WHY over and over and over again.

But when it’s an adult who’s doing the asking, and “I don’t know” is absolutely the wrong answer, well, let’s just say it can make an otherwise sane woman (me) crazier than a soup sandwich.

That’s pretty crazy.

And it’s all Pam Slim‘s fault.

It was during Martha Beck’s Master Coach training nearly ten years ago but it feels like an hour ago that I was feeling the heat from Ms. Slim’s go-for-the-jugular interrogation.

Don’t worry, the story has a (very) happy ending. In fact, I love Pam Slim, but for about 20 minutes there I thought I was going to sweat to death, and it was all because she kept repeating the same 3-letter word 467 times!

Good coaches need good coaches and to this day I credit Pam Slim for teaching me what it means to hang in with someone who’d rather be left alone to crawl under a rock.

Listen to the whole story in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY.

Lin Eleoff's 100k DNA[blank_space height=’1em’]

Hey Coach, do you have the emotional DNA of a coach who earns $100k and more? $100k DNA is all about breaking through the inner glass ceiling that keeps you playing small. C’mon Coach, come play with the Big Girls! 

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