Ep #69: Everything Worth Having Starts With “I Want”

I want mess magic money podcast how to get what you want

You can’t have what you want if you don’t even know what you want.

Sounds obvious, I know, but if I asked you right now what it is you really really REALLY want, how would you answer?

Sometimes when I ask women this question someone will say something like, “George Clooney.”

In other words, she doesn’t believe she can have what she wants. So she doesn’t even bother to answer the question in a thoughtful way.


GirlFriend, you have to know what you want, for heaven’s sake.

Start with, “I want,” and don’t feel bad about finishing the sentence. You deserve to have everything you want. Yes, everything, and not believing that means you’re not getting what you want.

Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and get to work on your “I want” list.

Lin Eleoff podcast
My outdoor “home office.”

PS: One of the things I want, that I already have, is a beautiful home on the water.

I didn’t just wish for it, I wanted it.

It’s not an accident that I have it. It’s not a coincidence. It’s not luck. I became the kind of woman who makes sure she gets the home of her dreams. It’s a manifestation of my deep wanting to have a beautiful home for our family.

I relish living in our home.

I am so grateful for our home.

Here’s the photo I promised in this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY where I talk about how much I enjoy my home in the summer months especially because living in New England in the summer is like being on vacation for 3 months.

After you listen to the podcast, come tell me what you want HERE.



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