Want to learn the Art of the Anti-Hustle in a nutshell?

Stop hustling.

That’s it.

If you hate selling, networking, and hustling in general, you need to learn the Art of the Anti-Hustle.

It’s the best thing since the invention of the hammock.

Now, I’m not saying you can relax in your hammock as clients line up to work with you – not at all. But neither do you have to go out and feel like you’re running on a treadmill, chasing the next shiny object, trying to get people to buy your coaching package without feeling like a second-rate used-car salesman.

Hustle energy is not attractive.

The Art of the Anti-Hustle, on the other hand, is about relaxing into you and trusting that you know how to “sell” your coaching services in much the same way you sell someone on the deliciousness of your home-made apple pie (or whatever utterly delicious dish you like to serve to people you welcome into your home).

For me, there’s nothing like the home-made chocolate chip cookies that are made in our house. Confession, I’m not the one who actually bakes them (Child #4 is a whiz in the kitchen) but I don’t hesitate to offer them to anyone who visits my home because they make people swoon. And trust me on this, I do not feel icky or sales-y when I offer someone a cookie!


It’s really not much different when I’m talking up my 100k DNA Masterclass because I know how it makes coaches swoon. This is exactly how I “sell” my 100k DNA Masterclass:

“Hey, if you like getting paying clients as much as I do, and if you like this idea of NOT hustling your way to get them, you should check out my 100k DNA program. I think you might really like it.” 

That’s not a hard sell for me at all because I so believe in what I am teaching in this program, I know how much value is in there and it’s changing the way coaches do business daily.

The Art of the Anti-Hustle

So, the Art of the Anti-Hustle is what I consider a cure for traditional networking, which I believe has evolved into one of the worst experiences ever for coaches who just want to coach.

I’m not saying “all networking is bad.” But there’s a way to network that doesn’t leave you feeling grossed out and disgusted by the blatant hard-core (bad) selling that goes on in so many of those groups where people only have one agenda: to tell you about what they do and why you should buy their product or service.

They have no interest in what you do or what you sell.

How’s that ever going to work?

It’s not. So don’t even think about networking in this way. There is another way and I go into more detail on the podcast:

Listen to this episode of the MESS MAGIC MONEY podcast for more on The Art of the Anti-Hustle.

In love and guts,

Lin E

PS: Want to know when doors open to the next 100k DNA Masterclass? Click HERE.



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