Dose of Dignity: The Hero’s (Second) Journey

When I was 40 I decided to go to law school. It had been a life-long dream. It was a year after I’d had my fourth child and I saw this teeny tiny microscopic (can you picture anything that small?) window of opportunity to make it happen.

I pounced on it like a hungry dog who chases after a t-bone that she can smell a hundred miles away. 


Dose of Dignity

I applied to one law school, because it was exactly 17 minutes away from my home. 

What’s remarkable about this for me is not that I went to law school, but that I didn’t listen to what Everyone told me to do, which was to go back into television where I’d had a very successful career as a news reporter and anchor. It would’ve been very easy for me to do that. It was something I was good at. I could do it with my eyes closed. And it paid me (very) well. 

There was just one thing. I didn’t want to do that anymore. 

I wanted to do THIS bigass thing.

I wanted to do something meaningful… and outrageous.

Not for the sake of the outrageousness of it, but because just thinking about it made me light up inside so bright it felt like sunbeams were erupting out of my face. 

Going to law school was more important to me than becoming a fancy shmancy lawyer. Going to law school wasn’t a means to an end, it was The Beginning of something. A journey to Somewhere.

That’s all I knew. I didn’t need to know how the journey would end. 

The truth is, I didn’t even think to ask. Oops. Was I supposed to? (I wish I could draw a picture of sarcasm to go with that last question. Wink.)

Heroes don’t do “supposed to.” 

What journey are you not taking? 


No, really, why? 

And… is that reason good enough for you?

Ready for a Dignity Sesh?  A Dignity Sesh is a rapid fire, ass-kicking, love-filled, one-on-one coaching session designed to infuse you with inspiration to lose The First Five Pounds (and the next, and the next…) AND introduce you to my “let’s do this stat!” coaching method. Read more HERE. 



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