It’s always been one of my most favorite quotes: “When you know better you do better.” 

dr. maya angelou when you know better you do better

But, and I say this with utmost respect for Dr. Angelou (whose teachings I have devoured for years), that’s not necessarily true.

We don’t always do better when we know better.

We eat the donut when we know it’s not what our body needs. 

We say YES when we know it’s not what we really want to say. 

We make promises to ourselves that we don’t keep. 

We let people throw things at us and say nothing even though we know we need to stand UP to bad behavior!

When I was 23 and working at my first “real” job – I was the weekend weather girl at a local TV station – I had a bully of a co-worker. His name was Howard and he was the weekend news anchor. One day, in the midst of one of his 2-year-old-style tantrums, he threw a video tape at me (they were big back then) because, well, who cares why he did, he had no right to assault me that way for any reason.

And I did nothing.

Because “that was Howard.”

That’s “just the way he is,” the co-worker who witnessed it all told me.

Oh how I wish I could have a do-over of that day.

I knew better. But I didn’t do better. I froze.

And I realize why: I wasn’t yet the woman I am today. I have “become” better at being me.

It was a huge lesson for me – that I have to become better in order to stand up for what I say is important to me.

Whether it’s my health, or my business, or my relationships, I have to become a higher version of me in order to do better.

Yes, Howard shouldn’t have been allowed to go around throwing things at anyone. But I missed an opportunity to set Howard straight. I don’t know whatever became of the man, but I sure hope someone stepped up and set him straight.

In the meantime, I have been focused on becoming.

And with every day (almost) I strive to become a better version of the woman, business owner, wife, mother, best friend, dog owner than I was yesterday.

This is how we Woman UP.

In love and guts,

Lin E



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