HOW TO FOCUS (Look at me!)




Thank you.

Coach, this is a biggie, so, look at me.

Do you focus more on the outcome? For example, “I need to make some money.


Do you hold a checklist in your hand and go through each step, one by onein the right order (!), so that you’re absolutely sure to hit your money goal in a set amount of time? (The PROCESS)

First of all, a wishy-washy focus on a wishy-washy outcome is never going to help you reach your goals.

“More money” is not an outcome.” You need to know the exact amount you intend to make.

Once you know that, it’s time to shift your focus to the process for making it happen.

Ok, so here’s another outcome-focused example that’s wishy washy:

“I need to create a coaching package so I can start making money.”  

As opposed to:

“I’m creating my coaching package this week so that I hit my income goal of $100k.”

The first leads to…

“I don’t know what to do.”

“I don’t know where to start.” 

“I don’t know if this is the right way to do it.”

“I think I’ll go make a sandwich.”

The second one forces you to do the following: 

Step 1: Figure out the exact process for creating your coaching package.

Step 2: Follow the process.

Step 3: Celebrate because you hit your income goal!

I’m really good at the “figuring out the exact process” part of building a coaching business and over the years I’ve saved up all my processes and am sharing them with coaches who are ready to focus on the process, not wishy-washy outcomes.

And sometimes I don’t only create the process for you, I finish the entire project so that implementing is easy peasy lemon squeezey.

For example, I just created a completely done-for-you coaching package. The whole thing.

It’s done.




All that’s left for you to do is focus on the process of implementing it into your business following the step-by-step checklist

Bottom line: Once you know your desired outcome (no wishy washy stuff please) then all you must do is focus on the process of making it happen.

Happy Woman UP Wednesday.

In love and guts,

Lin E

PS: On the MESS MAGIC MONEY podcast this week: “Who Do You Think You Are?”



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