how to get everything you want

how to get everything you want


Yup. Everything.

Ok, so maybe you can’t have George Clooney, but, c’mon, admit it, you weren’t exactly going after George Clooney, were you?

You see, getting everything you want isn’t about actually getting “the guy” or “the things.”

It’s about the feeling you long to experience and you believe you can only experience those feelings when you get those things. That’s truly what’s at the heart of everything you want: a feeling.

You may be thinking, “I just want what I want and I obviously can’t have it so don’t tell me I can.” I get it. It would just be so much easier/better/quicker if things would just happen the way we want them to. And to that I say the following, with love:

You’re not six anymore. Or sixteen.

Children and teenagers think they deserve to have everything they want and they want it easier, better, quicker. But as an adult woman you surely realize that that’s not how life works. Things do no make the world turn.

In that sense, getting everything you want is going to take some “work” on your part. You’re going to have to step into your Big Girl Shoes and Woman UP. We are not entitled to every “thing” we want. We are entitled to live our lives in any way we choose. We just have to accept the consequences of the choices we make. Without that acceptance we resort to blame.

And shame.

Blame and shame have no place when it comes to living a Gutsy Glorious Life.  

At the heart of Gutsy Glorious Living is an unwavering belief that you are ultimately in charge of everything that involves your life and have been since you entered The Woman Hood. Once you became a card-carrying adult woman, everything about your life became your responsibility. The reins, all of them — the ones that were used either gently and lovingly to guide you through childhood or to rule over you with a tight hand — became yours for the taking.

All. Yours. 

Now if only someone could’ve written it in the sky: “You are an adult woman now. Forget everything you were taught to believe. You get to come up with a whole new belief system that actually works for you.”

So… that didn’t happen.

I do believe, however, that the game was never set up that way. We’re supposed to figure out that part all by ourselves.

Sadly, some people go through life never realizing the reins are in their hands.

Everything you have, or don’t have today, is a  result of your handling of the reins that control your life.

And here’s the good news (in case the above sounded like bad news): You can take the reins right now. In this instant — take them. Perhaps you’ve been holding some of the reins but not all of them.

Take them. Take them all.

Hold them close to your heart and never again let them go. And now, say these words with me, and repeat them to yourself over and over again:

I am worthy of holding these reins.

I decide how to use these reins to guide my life.

I am a woman choosing to live a Gutsy Glorious Life.

Without a steadfast belief in all of the above you won’t be able to get everything you want because you won’t believe you deserve everything you want. 



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