Let me be clear right up front: You owe no one an explanation for the size of your ass.

That’s right. The size of your butt is your business.

You also can’t really blame the law for the size of any part of your body, including said butt.

Yes, I get it, your job is stressful.

And so now, what are we going to do about that, starting today? Because I’m guessing you’d like things to change, but you’re not sure you have no clue how to get the train back into the station.

You’d like things to be different, but you’ve tried everything to change the way things are and nothing’s working.

Here’s the thing:

The woman who got you here is not the woman who can get you there.

And by “there,” I mean that place in your head you keep dreaming about, where you’re at peace with food, not at war.

You’d like to not turn to food to handle the stresses of running your law practice.

You’d like to stop the endless struggle in your head that is a reflection of the struggle you’re having when it comes to managing the pressure brought on by your work.

You’d like to find some peace of mind.

You’d like to feel “normal” and not have food on your mind all the time.

Here’s the other thing:

The woman who got you here is one helluva woman, just look at all you’ve done with your life. But that woman (the woman you are today) can’t get you where you want to go from here.

It’s going to take a whole new version of YOU to get you where you want to go.

This is why everyone likes to say “diets don’t work.”

Of course diets work. If the diet’s job is to result in weight loss, you’ll lose weight IF you follow the diet.

YOUR JOB is to follow the diet.

The diet can’t lose weight for you.

So it comes back to you: what kind of diets are you choosing? The kind that make you feel so deprived you could eat your shoes?

Why would you choose such a diet?

Here’s the answer, and you may not like it: Because that’s the kind of woman you are today.  You choose diets that are not aligned with the woman who can get you “there.” 

Wait. What? This is confusing, Lin, what are you talking about?

I know. I once found it confusing.

There is a “higher version” of you inside you. She knows what’s best for you. She’s not at war with your body. She knows exactly what she wants.

Wouldn’t you love to meet her? She’s the woman who absolutely can get you there.

Come work with me. I will introduce you to her. She will transform you in ways you cannot imagine.

Book a call with me. I work with women lawyers who are done with “here.” It’s time to get you “there.”

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