Mastermind Your Business

If you want to grow your business, you must be a in a mastermind  group.

That’s pretty much all I need to say on this topic but I don’t want to write the world’s shortest blog post, so I’ll expand.

Lin Eleoff: The power of the mastermind groupIf you want to take your business to heights you can’t even conjure up in your mind right now because you’re thinking, “I’ll probably never run in the fast lane with people like Marie Forleo or Pat Flynn,” then I have news for you: all of these very successful online business owners readily admit that they owe much of their success to masterminding.

Pat Flynn of says that, if not for his mastermind groups, he wouldn’t be the adorable hot ticket he is today. (Don’t quote me on the “hot ticket” part, but I’m pretty sure even he’d agree with the “adorable” part.)

I joined a high-level mastermind group and am now in my second year. Sometimes it feels like I’m swimming with sharks. And let me tell you, there are quite a few “Great Whites” in this sea of high achievers. When I first joined I felt like a minnow, and I was happy to be one. I knew the sharks would teach me how to swim fast.

Especially at those times when all I felt like doing was tread water.

If you’re serious about wanting to achieve high levels of success, you need to join a mastermind group.” ~ Pat Flynn

A mastermind group is for entrepreneurs who want to get things done. 

It’s not for the faint of heart. (Unless you join a mastermind where everyone is faint-hearted. I highly don’t recommend doing this.)

Comfort zone? Forget it. This is the opposite of comfort… a good mastermind ought to make you squirm– at least a little.

Not sure how to find a mastermind group to join? Ask around. Ask up. What I mean is, ask people who are ahead of you on the entrepreneur’s journey; chances are they’re in a mastermind.

Consider joining an in-person mastermind meetup. 

Or you can start your own mastermind group. Mix it up; invite people who have different backgrounds and expertise; that way you’ll have a lot to learn from  each other. 

Ultimately, that’s what a mastermind is: a group of highly motivated entrepreneurs who want to learn from others and share what they know. Trust that you have something to offer, and promise you’ll go out of your way to bring everything you’ve got to the group.

Happy masterminding!

You can read more about masterminding in this great article from




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