A coach’s work cannot be separated from the rest of her life if she is to attain “Mind Body Business Balance.”

life coach and life coaching mind body business balanceJust like being a mom cannot be separated from the rest of your life.

Or being a wife.

Or a daughter.

When we separate ourselves from “the rest of our life” we get out of balance.

Now, I realize, “balance” is overused and, by some, overrated, but I think that’s because of the way  the word balance is being defined.

Balance, in this case, does not mean giving the same amount of time to each aspect of our lives but rather, giving the amount of time required to to be effective. 

You may spend 6 hours working effectively on your coaching business, and perhaps only 6 minutes effectively exercising your body. In this way you choose to honor your whole Self by being ruthless in the way you schedule your time.

In order to find mind body business balance your life you must use your time in a way that is most effective. Too often we say we work “hours and hours” on our businesses, but much of that time is not effective. We’re on social media, we’re talking to fellow coaches, we’re surfing the Internet. Then we tell ourselves we “don’t have time.”


“Effective” work is time spent doing things that honor your values AND bring you closer to your goal(s).

What is your primary measurable goal (PMG)? Is it list-building? More clients? More money? It’s important that the goal be measurable so you can track the effectiveness of time spent.

Once you know your PMG you can ask yourself, “Will doing this help get me closer to my goal?” If the answer is yes, ding ding ding. If the answer is no, well… you know what to do.

Once I created a list of the things I do that are most effective in helping me reach my PMG, I was amazed at how much less time it took to “work” on my business.

Balance, measured in terms of effectiveness, keeps us more accountable to our goals.

It keeps us in Integrity.

Telling ourselves we “don’t have time” creates a perpetual state of overwhelm. It makes us feel out of control. Most importantly, it’s a clue that we are out of Integrity and that we need to take a good look at how we are prioritizing our time against our values.

For example, saying we don’t have time to exercise simply cannot be true, and yet, we believe it.

The truth is, exercise is not important enough for me to give it time. 

This is neither bad nor good. But it is the truth. If exercise were “important enough” it would be given time. It would be in the schedule.

Good to know. No need to feel bad or guilty or ashamed. You are in Integrity. Now, if you want to change your values, and honor them, you can. Just be aware of what you say vs. what you do.

Saying + Doing = Integrity.

If you’re wanting to find Mind Body Business Balance, it starts with Integrity, Coach.

Did you know it takes 46 STEPS to turn your coaching practice into a business? Use this checklist to help you make sure your business is “buttoned up.”



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