
I eat objections for breakfast.

Prior truth:

Objections used to make me want to hurl up my breakfast.

I am not even kidding…

“I don’t have the money.”

“I don’t have the time.”

“I’m not sure.”

“I’m not ready.”

“I’m an alien from another planet so it probably won’t work on me.”

I used to be terrified of doing consults because I wouldn’t know what to say when I came up against an objection.

I thought an objection meant I was doing something wrong.


An objection is not a rejection.

Objections are normal, natural, to be expected.

Once I figured that out (i.e., got out of my own way so I could focus on my potential client) everything changed.


I have become an objection busting machine.

Why? How?

Because I so believe in what I do and how I can provide extreme transformation for my coach clients (proof is in the (chocolate) pudding), from “oh my gah I can’t do consults I’m terrified” to “I can’t believe how much easier this actually is.”

objection is not a rejection

This is the work we’re doing in my $100k DNA program; we’re busting through all the old beliefs and fears that keep you from simply talking to people about how you can help them, not sell them.

Oh, and not feeling bad about getting paid for helping them transform their lives – the way I’m transforming the lives of coaches by helping them bust through their $100k inner glass ceiling. After all, this isn’t just business, it’s personal.

It’s a beautiful thing.

And YOU are beautiful.

Happy Woman UP Wednesday.

In love and guts,

Lin E

PS: On the MESS MAGIC MONEY podcast this week: how to spot your subconscious fear of doing business as a coach. There’s also a little thing in there about my lipgloss addiction and a new color you have to check out.   🙂 xo



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