My world blew up this week. 

Something happened.

Someone did something and let it get to me in a big way. 

It was a very hurtful thing. Most people would probably agree with that. 

But the degree to which I allowed it to hurt me was all on me. 

People do what they do because that is who they are. I had to remind myself of that over and over and over again until it finally clicked.

When I could get a modicum of clarity in my head I realized I had 2 options: 

Keep on feeling “burned” or…

Rise from the ashes.

The truth is, peace (and happiness) are always available to us and once I could get my head clear enough so that I could remember this, I finally chose to get back to peace. I chose to return to happy.

I chose me.

If you’re stuck in something that feels hurtful you are the only one who can make you return to peace.

You have that power. Don’t give it to someone else.

This is how we Woman UP.

In love and guts,

L xo

Have you checked out my podcast, MESS MAGIC MONEY? Listen to “How to Get EVERYTHING You Want”



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