I know you’ve heard it all before.

So why aren’t you doing it?

Loving yourself, I mean.

Oh, you are? Then why aren’t you doing that thing you want to do so badly?

Why aren’t you making the money you want to make?

Why aren’t you losing the weight you want to lose?

Why aren’t you doing all the things you say you want to do?

What’s holding you back?

Because it’s not money.

It’s not food.

It’s not the thing you’re waiting for someone else to give you.

It’s YOU.

You know how they say when you point at someone there are always three fingers pointing back at you? (My mom always used to say that.)

It’s true.

But what are they pointing at, exactly? I’m talking about those three fingers that are pointing back at YOU!

Let me tell you:

They’re pointing at the GUTS, the GRIT, and the GRACE that is buried somewhere inside you. Perhaps you’ve forgotten where you put them?

Because you had ’em when you were a feisty 3-year-old (ok, maybe not the “grace” part back then).

Because you were born with seeds of immeasurable greatness within you. And those seeds need to be watered.

How do you water those seeds?

With extreme Self Love. The kind that deserves a capital S and a capital L.

Not the self love you talk about. The “you just gotta love yourself” yada yada thing THEY keep telling us. Those are just words. We hear them. And that’s about it.

I’m talking about the Self Love you do. To you.

The kind that doesn’t worry about what Everybody else is thinking.

The kind that doesn’t wait for confidence to magically appear.

The kind that sets you free to be, do, and have everything you want.

Notice… the “be” comes first.

You have to be the kind of woman who knows what it means to love her Self in the extreme.

She musters up her guts, her grit, and the grace she developed through the years, and she loves her Self unconditionally.

Her love for her Self does not depend on other people’s approval (’cause it ain’t their life) .

Her love for her Self does not depend on feeling confident, first (’cause that ain’t gonna happen).

Her love for her Self does not depend on losing weight, making money, buying things.

She loses weight, makes money, buys things because she loves her Self in the extreme.

Because she is that kind of woman.

Want to some of that? Because you can absolutely have it. In fact, you can have everything you want.

Oh.   Yes.   You.   Can. 

And I’m not talking about wishing for things. I’m talking about doing the things that get you everything you want. BUT, you have to be her, first.

That woman. She knows what it means to love her Self.

Do you?

Click HERE to learn the Art of Extreme Self Love.




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