your body is your business

How good a BOSS are you when it comes to taking care of the BUSINESS of your BODY?

your body is your business

Is this you?

You’re a high-level business woman or perhaps you run your own business.

You’re really good at what you do.

But your work can start to take over every aspect of your life.

Your home.

Your family.

Your social life.

Your body.

That last one? It’s usually the first to go. Easily forgotten. Left behind. Mistreated.

What’s up with that? 

My body started screaming for my attention a year after I went into business for myself back in 2010 as a lawyer for online business owners.

And I did what most business women do… I ignored it. 

Too often we “forget” about our bodies because we believe what we’re so busy doing is much more important, which is why we actually justify our irresponsible behavior.

“My intentions are good,” we tell ourselves.

“I’ll get back to taking care of my body next Monday,” we lie to ourselves.

But we quietly suffer because we long for a strong healthy body that can support the work we do, the life we live, and the people we love.

When we say our health matters and that we love and appreciate our bodies, but then we don’t give our bodies at least as much attention as we give to the other areas of our lives, then we are out of Integrity. If you say your health is important to you, then it’s time to prove it… to yourself.

THE DIGNITY DIETIn my book, The Dignity Diet, I talk about how Dignity and Integrity are the two legs that hold a woman UP.

Without them, we are lost and therefore at the mercy of our ego, which can do a pretty good job of pretending we’re not lost and that we know what we’re doing (more justification).

This is what happens when we lose our Dignity – we forget who we are – and we go through life pretending everything is fine fine fine.

Which is a lie lie lie.


We all lose our Dignity as a rite of passage – the moment we learn (mistakenly) that we’re not the hot stuff we thought we were.  This invariably happens at some point in our childhood, when someone tells us we’re stupid, or lazy, or too fat, or too talkative, or worse, they abuse us in ways that lead to betrayal trauma, which we continue to inflict on ourselves for decades.

Our ONE TRUE PURPOSE in life is to get our Dignity back.

Part of that process requires that we make it our business to reconnect our mind with our body. It’s not enough to say your body and your health matter to you; you’ve got to back it up with action. Talk, after all, is cheap.

Take the New Woman UP Self Care Quiz HERE



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