Ep #58: Self Sabotage

my gutsy launch

Self Sabotage Is Bad For Business

Starting your own business is so exciting, so empowering, so freeing. One of the biggest lessons I learned when I first started on my entrepreneurial journey (and the one lesson I teach all my coach students and clients first) is this: SELF SABOTAGE is bad for business.

100k DNA™

Self Sabotage is sneaky. It creeps up on us rather predictably whenever we find ourselves “on a roll.” And then, BOOM, we throw everything out the window (or so it seems). We bump into our inner glass ceiling.

The key to overcoming Self Sabotage? To be clear, willpower is NOT the answer.

Let’s dive into this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY…

Hey Coach, check out my new 100k DNA Mastermind, for coaches who are tired of NOT making money because of their inner glass ceiling, a.k.a., Self Sabotage. It’s always working to knock you back down, no matter how hard you try to climb your way up.

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