Ep #70: HOW To Get Exactly What You Want

how to get what you want

how to get what you want

Once you know what you want, how will you make sure you get it?

In episode 69 of MESS MAGIC MONEY I gave you an assignment: articulate with clarity what it is you want.

People will often lament the fact that life isn’t what they expected, but when you ask them exactly what it is they expected, they start to stammer.

“Well I thought that maybe…” 

Um, that’s never going to do it, thinking that mayyyyybeeee…

Waiting for something or someone to bring you what you want is  a passive way to do your life.

It practically guarantees disappointment. And, here’s the worst part of not having what you want: You’re not in integrity, because saying you want something and then not making sure you get it means there’s a disconnect somewhere, and it’s usually because you’re not walking your talk.

So, how do you get what you want?

Listen to this week’s episode of MESS MAGIC MONEY and let’s make it happen.



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