Ep #75: How Pam Slim Made Me A Better Coach

Pam Slim and Lin Eleoff


Coaching can change your life in an instant. It can also make you a better coach. 

In Episode 66 I told you all about my so-called Pam Slim Smackdown nearly a decade ago when I was in training to become “the best coach in the world!” Even back then I was living by my “be do be do be” philosophy, meaning that coaching isn’t something I “do,” it’s a fundamental part of who I am.

Coaching As Spiritual Practice

To my surprise, coaching has become a veritable spiritual practice for me and I attribute my clarity of vision to just 15 minutes with a coach who knew how to hold a space for me to figure out what was swirling around in my head. Another coach might’ve fallen for all my stalling and side-stepping but not Pam… she held my feet to the fire in a way that said, “You’ve got this and I’m here to help you figure this out.”

Without exaggeration, that one coaching session with Pam brought me such clarity and it would forever influence the way I would “be” a coach. Today I hold my clients’ feet to the fire while simultaneously holding the space for them to sort through all the gobbledegook that swirls around in their heads. (Thanks, Pam, for showing me how it’s done.)

Pam Slim graciously accepted my invitation to be a guest on my MESS MAGIC MONEY podcast and in Episode 75 we laugh about how “chill” Pam was during that coaching session way back when, all while I was silently freaking out(!) in my own head.

We also talk about “leadership energy” (and why it’s so important to your coaching business), gratitude, and your power to shape the world through your coaching.

You can listen in the audio player, above, or in iTunes.


Pam’s Website

Pam’s books: Escape From Cubicle Nation and Body of Work

Gutsy Glorious Facebook Group

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Join my next round of $100k DNA: For coaches who are ready to become business women.

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