guts grit grace

guts grit grace


When I tell women they can have everything they want IF THEY HAVE THE GUTS TO GO AFTER IT, I get one of two reactions:

The first is a look of excitement and hope.

The second type of reaction is an exaggerated eye-roll.  

If you just rolled your eyes, I’m not talking to that part of you (the part that just rolled your eyes); I’m talking to the part of you that secretly gets excited at the prospect of having everything she wants.

I want that woman to know she’s not crazy for wanting more, out of her business, her relationships, her life

When you learn how to Woman UP you discover hidden powers you have no idea you have. 

No idea!

As in, a fish has no idea what a life without water would look like.

If you struggle with old and painful feelings that come from the secret belief that you’re somehow not “good enough,” then you really don’t know what it feels like to not carry that secret around. No matter how much you may try to push it down, cover it up, and create a life that “looks” amazing, you’re still left with feeling like a fraud, or an imposter.

You worry that people will find out who you really are.

The problem is, you have no idea who you really are. I do. Because I’ve been exactly where you are.


You need three things if you’re going to learn how to Woman UP.

  1. GUTS. It takes some serious guts to break out of your old habits and routines — the ones that keep you small and protected and safe, where no one can hurt or embarrass you. But those habits and routines are what’s keeping you from the life you long for; the healthy body you deserve more than that donut; the new career or business you want so badly but fear it’s not meant to be for you; a love-filled relationship that doesn’t drain your soul.
  2. GRIT. It takes grit to get back up more times than you fall down. The temptation to stay down and accept that “this is just the way it is” can be strong. You need grit — a.k.a., resilience  — to take a few knocks and get back up more times than you fall down. You have it in you, but sometimes we need someone to remind us we’re worth standing back up for.
  3. GRACE. It’s a profound word, isn’t it? It’s a combination of compassion and gratitude. Grace comes to those who truly believe they, like everyone else on this planet, are worthy of all the love and compassion and forgiveness in the world. So what if you fall down? Come hell or high water you are going to get back up because you love yourself that much. And you’re grateful for the legs that get you back up.

I believe each of us has seeds of immeasurable greatness within us. When we water those seeds we serve the world.

My role, as I see it, is to point women to the watering can.

The R-Word

The one thing that keeps me moving forward in business and in life is the fear of regret.

Regret scares the shiitakes out of me. I don’t even like saying the word, let alone spelling it out in black and white.

I am very clear when it comes to this: I do not want to come to the end of my life and realize I didn’t have the guts to go after what I wanted. What would it feel like to know you’re out of time and that you have no more opportunities to Woman UP? I never want to find out.

Which is why R-word-proofing my life has been a top priority. This means I ditch the excuses. I strive to walk my talk every day. On those days when I waffle and dither, the R-word follows me everywhere.

The fear of R-word is enough to snap me back to attention.

I suspect we’re a lot alike. Which is why I hope to get to know you a whole lot more.

In love and guts,

Lin xo

PS: The secret to getting EVERYTHING you want is VITAMIN G (GUTS). Want some? Click HERE.




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