sophisticated self care

sophisticated self care

Ready to join the new, sophisticated and downright rebellious self care revolution?

This is self care for big girls… the rebels, the change-makers, the gutsy-ass women who want more.

Gutsy-ass women who start their own businesses because they realize 9-5 is never going to give them the kind of freedom they long for.

Gutsy-ass women who write books because they have something to say, dammit.

Gutsy-ass women who want to change the world and don’t care if people laugh when they say that.

What is a “gutsy-ass woman” you ask?

She’s the kind of woman who loves to snort-laugh at things that are really funny because laughter heals her.

She’s the kind of woman who has crazy ideas all the time and she doesn’t feel bad about that, even when people say, “There she goes again.”

She’s the kind of woman who harnesses her best ideas – the ones that light her up the most – and runs with them, even if she trips and falls along the way.

She’s the kind of woman who gets back up more times than she trips and falls.

She’s the kind of woman people are drawn to because she doesn’t expect other people to do her emotional work.

She’s the kind of woman who expects people to do their own emotional work.

She’s rebellious, not in the same way a teenage is rebellious, but rather, in a way that breaks her free from diet culture and beauty culture and the patriarchal mindset that likes to keep women in their place.

It takes guts to be that kind of woman.

Don’t you want to be her?

Well, it starts with a whole new self care plan, the kind that doesn’t make you want to roll your eyes in a way that says, “Please don’t tell me I have to put myself first. I’m so sick of hearing that.”

I get it. The problem with the “put yourself first” message is that no one ever explains HOW to go about putting yourself first. Why? Because it’s not a question of how.

It’s a question of WHO.

As in…

Who do I have to become in order to understand what it even means to put myself first in a way that changes how I love the people who mean the most to me?

Who do I have to become in order to honor my heart’s desires?

Who do I have to become in order to attract people who are most aligned with how I want to live my life?

The new (sophisticated) rebel self care model is about becoming. It’s not about doing anything.

It’s not about spending a day at the spa.

It’s not about more date nights.

It’s not about drinking the finest of wines.

It’s not about using your best china to eat your midday snack.

It’s not about buying that sumptuous handbag.

Don’t get me wrong – I’ll never turn down any of those things – they happen to be some of my favorite things. And they have nothing to do with self care. They’re the icing that goes on top of the kind of self care that happens on the inside.

Would you put icing on a cake that wasn’t baked?

You, my dear friend, are the cake, and if you’re not yet “baked,” those things will bring you momentary pleasure that covers up a relentless longing for more.

It’s the kind of self care they (the multi-billion dollar self care industry) always talk about; the kind that feels good in the moment and then, eventually – predictably – the feeling disappears, only to be replaced by that same ol’ feeling that is any one of 50 shades of discontent – Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Unappreciated? Overworked? Flat? Invalidated? Dissatisfied? And then GUILTY! for feeling any of those feelings, because, well, we should all just be happy with what we’ve got.

To wit:

Our kids.

Our home.

People who love us.

The perfect pet.

Which means we quietly stifle ourselves and our guilt for wanting more while secretly wondering, “Is this really all there is?”

Actually, there’s a whole lot more, but we can’t see it because we’re focused on what’s going on on the outside of us rather than taking a hard (uncomfortable) look at what’s going on on the inside, where old wounds have been buried but never healed.

The healing needs to take place in order for pure unadulterated joy (or as I like to call it, rapture) to infiltrate every fiber of the woman we are called to be.

That healing needs a special kind of self care… the kind that brings lasting results.

Inner peace kind of growth.

Dignified kind of growth.

Life-changing growth.

This requires a whole new way to practice self care that actually works for you, rather than you trying and trying and trying all the things you hope and pray will make you feel better.

You see, that exhaustion you’re feeling? It’s not because you’re doing “too much.” It’s because you’re not taking care of the inside of you, the part of you that wants to feel like your life has real meaning and purpose.

How many women do you know who are living your definition of a “dream life,” i.e., they feel centered and whole and wholeheartedly fulfilled?

To be clear, I’m not talking about women who make it look like they’re living a dream life on the outside – I’m talking about women who are actually and authentically living a dream life that comes from the inside.

You can’t fake that with handbags and chocolate and vacays in Cabo.

When you’re around women who practice this more modern model of self care, you feel inspired to be that kind of  woman.

Because that woman?

That woman has gutsy expectations that are centered around living her life by design and never by default.

So how does one become that gutsy-ass woman? By going inside, of course, or what I like to call our Axis of Dignity.

lin eleoff

Entrepreneurship: A Very Gutsy Way to Practice Self Care

I believe entrepreneurship, when practiced the way I teach it, is a very GUTSY form of self care, the kind that starts on the inside and results in a business that allows you to experience the life you long to live, with the kind of freedom that screams, “I am a Gutsy  Glorious Business Woman.”  








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Captivate the attention of your most sought-after clients in a way that makes them say, "I need to work with her!"

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